Monday, June 28, 2010

Love is all you need!

"There's nothing you can make that can't be made
No one you can save that can't be saved
Nothing you can do but you can learn how to be you in time
It's easy

All you need is love..."

Saturday, June 26, 2010

She can breathe now.

She looks around, as if asleep ..
She can't find. It's so many people, all so confusing.
She is there, doing her duty to be, but she can't see herself in anything there...
She looks at herself and not see the young and light girls from years ago,
the girl who danced and laughed at by her brother ..
she Was becoming dry, bitter and sad, and no longer saw her life pass ..
only fulfilled a duty to be there.
She had to be there. She looks for herself as one who finds himself in a mirror by surprise ...
And she looks longingly to herself...
And she finds herself alone, sad, and totally different than she really is ...
That pain was possibly to see and breaks as the sun in the morning, without asking, without asking..just invade!
Like an animal that is free of the housing, a snake getting rid of their old skin, it discards all that prevented her from breathing, to be herself ...
like a butterfly in the cocoon ...
Now, like all change, it heals the wounds that still bleed, but she can
breathe now...

És minha paz e segurança, meu sentido e esperança

"Quero viver sem nada temer,
Entregue ao amor poder crescer.
Quero voltar a Deus meu olhar,
Seguir ao seu encontro.
Vem espírito santo!

Vem em minha história, revelar tua glória
Quero ver o amor vencer.
Vem espírito santo, sopra em mim teu canto!
Vem jorrar, me saciar.
É na tua vontade o meu lugar.

Em minha dor, salva-me, senhor!
Faz-me ir além, torna-me alguém!
Pois nada eu sou sem tua mão, senhor.
És minha paz e segurança, meu sentido e esperança

Vem ser meu tudo, visitar meu nada
Eis-me aqui! eu creio em ti!
Vem dar-me coragem pra viver sem medo
Acreditar e confiar
Sim, serei capaz de um novo canto entoar!

Vem em minha história, revelar tua glória
Quero ver o amor vencer.
Vem espírito santo,sopra em mim teu canto!
Vem jorrar, me saciar.

Vem ser meu tudo, visitar meu nada
Eis-me aqui! eu creio em ti!
Vem dar-me coragem pra viver sem medo
Acreditar e confiar
Sim, serei capaz de um novo canto entoar!"

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Seated I wait for the time. In a clear sky, desert and
It's everything so quiet around me.
In the distance I see a butterfly ... So small, so simple ... Beautiful.
Passes and I do not notice me. Lives, follow and do not notice me.
Ah, this time that not comes ...
I just wanted to know what goes in your mind.
I realized I wanted to wait here ... still
I just want to feel the breeze that comes out of your wings ...
I seated to wait for the time, to wait for you...

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

It is an open season.

Yeah, I suppose to write more often... maybe I starts now... I like the idea that I can!

I have no time right now so I will start just with a statement...

This is just the beginning of my life, It's painful and It's hard. If a few years ago I was just a caterpillar I can say that now I'm becoming a butterfly...

so Let's get started.